Financial aid recipients who withdraw from ALL classes before 60% of the term is
completed may be required to return a portion of any financial aid which was
received for the term. Students who do not receive at least one passing grade for
classes in a term must provide documentation which verifies continued participation
in educational activities. If documentation cannot be provided, those students are
considered to have informally withdrawn from WVU prior to 60% of the term and
may be required to return a portion of any financial aid which was received. This
review and return of financial aid is done in accordance with federal regulations.
It is your responsibility to ensure all of your University bills are paid and all required
forms are received and processed. Your withdrawal becomes official only after your
withdrawal request is received and processed by the Office of the Registrar. A
withdrawal from all classes constitutes withdrawal from the University for the current
term only.
Until the Friday of the tenth week of class (or Friday of the fourth week in a six-week
summer course, or Friday of the second week of a three-week summer course), students
may withdraw from individual courses. Deadlines are listed each semester on the academic
If a student follows all established University procedures and withdraws by the published
deadline, he or she will receive a “W” on the transcript. Grade point averages are not affected in any way by this mark; however, the ratio of courses attempted versus courses
completed may affect financial aid eligibility
Procedures for withdrawing from individual courses
Before withdrawing from individual classes, students should consult an advisor to
determine if:
- The course load would be reduced below the minimal number of hours
required to qualify for financial aid, housing, varsity athletic competition or
international full-time student status.
- The courses to be dropped are required to fulfill academic probationary
- The courses from which the student wants to withdraw might be co-requisite with other courses he or she is taking, or prerequisite to other courses required for the next term.
Withdrawal from all classes for the current term
A student may completely withdraw from the institution any time before the last day
designated for complete withdrawal from the university.
- Students who decide to leave WVU Tech during a term should withdraw from
all classes and must do so in accordance with established University policy.
Students are responsible for all financial obligations and for following
established procedures. This includes the submission of appropriate
information and signature of forms in person at the Office of the Registrar.
- Students who are unable to withdraw in person because of illness, accident or other valid reasons must send notification of their request to withdraw
along with all appropriate required information to the Office of the Registrar.
The request to withdraw must be verified in writing along with a signature.
- If a student is an international student attending WVU Tech on a visa, the
student must report to the Office of the Registrar.
- With the help of their academic advisors, students are responsible for
determining how withdrawal from the institution may affect their future
status, including such aspects as financial aid suspension for failure to make
progress toward a degree, or violation of established eligibility for
scholarships, fellowships or financial aid.
- Students called into active military duty during any given semester have specific options regarding the credit hours.
When you withdraw from ALL your classes during a term, you will not receive any
grade or credit for those classes, and your GPA is not affected. You will receive a “W”
for each withdrawn class on your transcript and your hours attempted will include the
classes from which you withdrew after the first week of the term.
To withdraw from all classes through the last day to drop a class with a “W”, log on to
your MIX account and drop them through STAR.
If you need to withdraw from the TERM after the last day to drop a class with a “W”,
you may do any of the following:
1. Visit the Office of the Registrar
2. Send an email from your MIX Account only to
Please include your full name, last 4 digits of your student identification number, reason
for your withdrawal, address and telephone number.
3. Mail a request and include your full name, student identification number, reason for
your withdrawal, address, telephone number and signature to the following address:
WVU Tech Office of the Registrar410 Neville St.Beckley, WV 25801
4. Fax a request and include your full name, student identification number, reason for
your withdrawal, address, telephone number and signature to 304.929.1696.
If you live in university residential housing, check with the main desk of your residential hall, or contact housing for procedural details.
If you have financial aid, please investigate the impact of the withdrawal with the
Financial Aid office. Stop by the Financial Aid office.
Re-enrollment after withdrawal
After you withdraw from WVU Tech in two consecutive terms
(excluding summer sessions), you may not register for further work without approval of
the dean of the college or school in which you want to register and subject to conditions
set by that dean.