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Classification, Advisor and Major

Your classification, advisor and major information can all be viewed in STAR from MIX. Select "Student Services and Housing," "Student Records" and "View Student Information."


Classification status is determined by your earned number of credit hours, including eligible transfer credit hours. Classification is defined as follows:

During priority registration, you calculate your registration classification by including attempted Tech hours. You can view your total number of earned hours by running your unofficial transcript in STAR. However, your classification for enrollment verification or other official purposes does not include your current enrolled hours.


Your advisor is assigned when you are admitted. Prior to registration each semester, you should make an appointment with your advisor to go over your graduation progress, select your classes and obtain your Advising Hold term pin. If you need additional support, contact the department chair. 

Major and academic information

When you apply for admission, you typically apply for a specific major. If you wish to change your major, you should meet with your advisor to determine if this is a better course as soon as possible. Major changes must be approved by the department to which you are changing your major.

Major changes are effective the same semester if the paperwork is received in the Office of the Registrar by the second Friday of the school year. Otherwise, they are effective for the following semester. Sometimes this can change the catalog year that you wold be following. Be sure to follow the pattern sheet from the correct catalog year. See the Graduation and Catalogs pages for important information regarding changing your major.

If you wish to add an emphasis, you would meet with your advisor as soon as you are considering this since adding an emphasis affects the classes you will need to complete towards graduation. The deadline for adding an emphasis is the same as for major changes. The emphasis change/addition must be approved by the department chair.

If you wish to add a minor, please consult with the department within which you wish to seek a minor. The minor change/addition must be approved by the department chair and should be filed by the second week of school with the Office of the Registrar.  Note to ACE, Sport Management and Nursing students: Since your degree will be from West Virginia University, you need to consult with your advisor at WVU Tech and the department at WVU to determine if you can meet the requirements there.